Congratulations to our students who were awarded the "Capital Market Outstanding Research Award" from SET Research Grant 2021/2022.
28 June 2022
Read : 1,270

Congratulations to our students who were awarded the "Capital Market Outstanding Research Award" from SET Research Grant 2021/2022 held by SET (The Stock Exchange of Thailand). Our students received three awards (out of five awards in total).
Good Research Award
Researcher: Mr.Watcharaphol Masaeng / Advisor: Asst.Prof.Dr.Wasin Siwasarit
Research topic: Measuring Real-Financial Connectedness in the Thai Economy
Honorable mention
Researcher: Mr.Chirasin Siriprachai / Advisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr.Tatre Jantarakolica
Research topic: Equity Funds' performance evaluation using Bootstrapping in the COVID-19 situation
Honorable mention
Researcher: Mr.Gajbanthit Banthitsakulporn / Advisor: Asst.Prof.Dr.Sicha Thubdimphun
Research topic: The Relationship between Agricultural Commodities and Stock Market in case of Thailand: Safe-haven, Hedge, or Diversifier? – Cross-Quantilogram Analysis
For more information please see the link below: