Akita International University (AIU) visit Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University

05 September 2022
Read : 1,030

On 5 September 2022, the Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University led by Asst.Prof.Dr.Supachai Srisuchart (the Dean), Asst.Prof.Dr.Sicha Thubdimphun (Director of International Affairs) and Asst.Prof.Dr.Anin Aroonruengsawat (Director of Thammasat International Trade Law and Economics (TITLE)) gave a warm welcome to Prof.Dr.Yoshitaka Kumagai (the Vice President) from Akita International University (AIU). During the visit, the representatives of the two universities discussed our student exchange activities and future academic collaborations. Following the discussion, Mrs.Narisa Klieothong (International Affair Coordinator) and Miss Wasinee Arayawattanawech (BE Program's alumni and former exchange student at Akita International University) took our visitor on a tour around the campus.