Course Description

MB.501 Introduction to Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 2 (2-0-6)
  The introduction of microeconomics regarding value, price, resource allocation, introduction to theories of consumption and production with an emphasis on factors determining demand and supply of goods and services, determination of prices and efficiency of resource allocation in perfectly and imperfectly competitive markets; Basic theory regarding factor market and introductory concepts of market failures. Indicators, goals and problems in macroeconomics. Determination of national income, theories of aggregate consumption and aggregate investment, accelerator principle, money market, theory of demand for and supply of money, the joint equilibrium model of product and money market, balance of payments, and fiscal and monetary policies as means of stabilize an economy.

  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.502 Introduction to Statistics and Mathematics 2 (2-0-6)
  The study of statistics and mathematics applications in economics and business include calculus, integrals, the probability theory, statistical estimation, hypothesis testing and regression models.

  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.503 Introduction to Economics for Accounting and Finance 2 (2-0-6)
  The study of the function, role and importance of accounting and financial management, i.e. the contexts of profit-loss balance statements, balance sheets, retained earnings statements, cash flow statements, financial ratio analysis, and the analysis of cash flow in order to improve the organizational planning and management efficiency.

  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.613 Managerial Economics 3 (3-0-9)
  The study of Applied Microeconomic is related to decision making in different scenarios, i.e. risk and uncertainty, analysis of consumer and producer behavior in relation to the most efficient allocation and use of limited resources, analysis of market demand for decision making in estimating and projecting demand, analysis of production and production costs, cost concepts which influence decision-making, cost estimation and projection as well as the analysis of pricing in different market types and market intervention by the government and its effects on resource use efficiency.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.614 Applied Macroeconomics 3 (3-0-9)
  The study of Applied Macroeconomic includes analysis of Macroeconomic indicator concepts, i.e. production, employment, earnings, expenses and prices in general; analysis of Macroeconomic variables affecting various economic sectors and the overall economy; analysis of financial and fiscal policy concepts and their effect on production, employment and output as well as Macroeconomic estimations and projections. The scope of analysis includes economic and trade groupings, trade and international monetary policies, increase of competition trends in world trade, the role and influence of multinational companies on trade balance, balance of payments, exchange rates and cross border movement of resources.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.615 Economics for Business Management Accounting and Marketing 3 (3-0-9)
  The course aims to provide a business and management foundation. The course comprises knowledge on production management, managerial accounting, marketing management, human resource management, technology management, and business strategy management.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.617 Business Financial Economics 3 (3-0-9)
  The study of financial management principles within organizations, comprising the study of decision-making instruments used in the three important financial spheres: investment, fund mobilization and dividend policies. Instruments to be discussed include the use of NPVs and IRRs to analyze decisions, long term investments, etc. Apart from this, in order to come up with sound and pertinent financial decisions as mentioned above, financial management must comprise organizational financial analysis and planning through the use of such instruments as ratio analysis and cash flow analysis, etc.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.7628 Research Methodology and Statistics for Business Economics 3 (3-0-9)
  The study of the research methodology and statistics for business economics in term of theory as well as how to apply it using social science research framework. Students will learn how to come up with the Business Economics research topic and how to answers using statistics tools such as probability theory, statistical estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, correlations and linear regression models, statistical forecasting and using statistics knowledge to analyze economic and business data.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.683 Economics for Business Strategies 3 (3-0-9)
  The study of imperfect competition markets includes market power, strategic interaction, and competitive policy.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.633 Economics of Financial Markets and Institutions 3 (3-0-9)
  The study of the structure and mechanism of financial markets and capital market on the aspect of business economics, as well as financial securities and financial risk. Theory of equilibrium pricing of financial assets; the CAPM and APT models, interest rate structure, bond and equity instruments, financial derivatives, asymmetric information in financial market. The study of financial institutions emphasis on theories regarding the roles and functions of commercial banks, risk management of financial institutions, monitoring and controlling of financial institutions, the deposit insurance system and financial institution business from the perspective of industrial economics. Financial technology and innovation (Fintech), online investment platform, digital currency, microfinance, and block chain technology are also covered.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.634  Business, Finance, and Economic Analysis and Forecast 3 (3-0-9)
  The study of statistical methods and time series models used in analyzing and forecasting the directions and movements of important business and economic variables at the microeconomic level such as supply and demand estimation for goods as well as forecasting and at the macroeconomic level such as economic growth, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates forecasting. Furthermore, students will learn economics factors that have influences on the direction of these indicators.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.635 Economics of Investment 3 (3-0-9)
  The study of valuation methods for fixed income instruments, equity instruments, options, and future contracts. Topics to be studied also include risk and return measurement for individual security and portfolio of investment as well as the determinants of risk and return in money market and capital market.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.653 International Trade and Finance 3 (3-0-9)
  The study of international trade theories include the New Trade Theory, trade policy theories on the new world economic order including World Trade Organization and the economic integration, theories on balance of payment, cross border movement of funds, cross-border investment, as well as foreign direct investment and investment in financial assets; theories about exchange rates and hedging exchange rate fluctuation risks.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.654 Public Policy, Globalization, and the Development of Thai Economy 3 (3-0-9)
  The study about the importance of international trade and its effect on industrial economics and private business through the application of international trade theories and industrial economic theories in analyzing the impacts of trade and investment policies as well as industrial development have on businesses and industry amidst the scenario shift in international economics and changes in international trade regulations.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.663 Business and Thai Society 3 (3-0-9)
  This course emphasizes on changing and development of the structure of Thai economy, which have impact on business operations. Topics include Thai economic development plan, fiscal and monetary policies, and development of important economic and business sectors in Thailand, as well as government roles that have impacts on Thai business operation.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.664 Business Vision 3 (3-0-9)
  The course emphasizes on how to set up appropriated vision, mission, goal, and business strategies of the business organization, as well as how to adjust the business in responding to the changes in business environments. The study method mainly focuses on experiences and viewpoint of successful executives and contemporary scholars. Issues concerning problems obstacting the business operations from achieving its goal according to the mission and vision, ethics, and social responsibility are also covered.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.665 Economic Law 3 (3-0-9)
  The study of laws relating to government economic relations in international trade, international finance and cross border investment, namely: the 12 trade agreements within the GATT/WTO framework such as the General Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS), the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property agreement (TRIPs) as well as important rulings by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body. The international finance part comprises the study of international fund exchange rate agreements; money exchange control systems and the legitimacy of IMF counter crisis measures. The cross border investment part deals with the agreement on Trade Related Measures (TRIMs). Also, some important business laws.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.684 Project Analysis and Evaluation 3 (3-0-9)
  This course emphasizes on theoretical economic concepts and tools for project analysis and evaluation. Topics cover cost analysis; return on investment of both private and public projects that have impacts on society and economy, such as, government project, educational project, health care project, health care technology and policies; private cost-benefit analysis; social cost-benefit analysis; cost effectiveness; environmental and health impacts assessments (EIA & HIA); impacts of technology and health policy; sustainability; ethic; and equality and equity.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.685 Economics of Innovation in Digital Economy 3 (3-0-9)
  This course emphasizes on changing in innovation of digital technology in business. Topics cover development and impacts of digital transformation on business and economy, technology acceptance model, innovation adoption process, diffusion of innovation, platform competition, two-sided market, multi-sided market, network externality, and current case studies.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.686 Behavioral Economics for Management 3 (3-0-9)
  This course emphasizes on behavioral economic concepts for management comparing consumer decision-making based on mainsteam economic assumptions and those of behavioral economics. Topics cover important behavioral economic theories, such as, nudge theory; irrational behaviors caused by several biases, such as, cognitive biases and emotional biases; empirical evidences of behavioral economics using in business; models based on sociology and psychology factors; and case studies from both actual data and experimental studies.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.701 Selected Topics 1 3 (3-0-9)
  In-depth study of selected topics relevant to the interests of the student and the academic advisor.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.702 Selected Topics 2 3 (3-0-9)
  In-depth study of selected topics relevant to the interests of the student and the academic advisor.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.703 Selected Topics 3 3 (3-0-9)
  In-depth study of selected topics relevant to the interests of the student and the academic advisor.
  • Lecture 3 hours per week.
MB.798 Independent Study 1  
  The research based study of selected topics relevant to the interest of the student and approved by a committee appointed by the Business Economics Graduate Studies Committee

MB.799 Independent Study 2  
  Prerequisite: have earned credits of MB 798
  This course is a mandatory course after finishing MB798. The research based study of selected topics relevant to the interest of the student and approved by a committee appointed by the Business Economics Graduate Studies Committee

MB.800 Thesis  
  The student writes and presents a thesis under the supervision of an advisor and a thesis committee appointed by the Business Economics Graduate Studies Committee